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CISO Stories Podcast (Audio)

Feb 28, 2023

As risk practitioners CISOs make risk vs reward decisions on a daily and sometimes hour by hour basis. As a profession we must understand our organizations risk tolerance and appetite as well as our own. Regulations are lagging indicators. SOX was established as a direct response to unethical behavior.


Feb 21, 2023

The successful CISO STORIES podcast started by interviewing the 75 contributors to the #1 Best-selling (2019-2022) and 2020 CANON Cybersecurity Hall of Fame Winning CISO roadmap book CISO COMPASS: Navigating Cybersecurity Leadership with Insights from Pioneers. These 25–30-minute podcasts have brought many issues to...

Feb 14, 2023

Every year brings new challenges in protecting our companies and nations from threat actors. Join our conversation with key CISOs as we look back at 2022 and review some of the key learnings, and look ahead with a laser focus on 2023 priorities for cybersecurity.

This segment is sponsored by Wiz.


Feb 7, 2023

With over 112 million viewers tuning into the Superbowl in 2022, it is arguably the most watched televised event in the USA, with many fans globally. Whether watching for the NFL game of the year, the Superbowl Ads, or the incredible half-time shows, one can appreciate the complexity in managing security and...